Terms and Conditions

How to Play:

The participant obtains tickets that qualify them to enter any available competition based on the type they prefer. They must collect points by completing the games successfully.

  • Free Games:
    This set includes 5 free games. Participants can play 5 free rounds daily without tickets. After daily free rounds end, they can continue by using 50 tickets or wait until the next day for 5 more free rounds. Participants receive 100 points for each correct game.

  • Puzzles:
    This set includes 5 games. Participants can play 5 rounds by using 100 tickets and receive 100 points for each correct game.

  • Challenges:
    This set contains 5 games. Participants need 300 tickets for unlimited stages within a single game. If logged out or exiting the game, the player needs to pay again. Participants receive 200 points for each successful level.

Required Tickets

  • Free Games: 50 tickets are required to continue playing after the 5 daily free rounds.
  • Puzzles: 100 tickets are required per day for 5 puzzle game rounds.
  • Challenges: 300 tickets are required to enter challenge games.

Prices list and method of obtaining tickets:

You can purchase tickets via Credit Card available through TheVault site by clicking the “BUY TICKETS” button and choosing the payment value as follows:

Payment Method One-time subscription price Number of awarded tickets Monthly subscription price Number of tickets
Credit Card 5 USD 400 tickets
Credit Card 10 USD 850 tickets USD 10/per month 950 tickets/per month
Credit Card 25 USD 2300 tickets USD 25/per month 2700 tickets/per month
Credit Card 50 USD 5000 tickets USD 50/per month 6000 tickets/per month
Credit Card 100 USD 11000 tickets USD 100/per month 13500 tickets/per month

Ticket Validity

  • Paid tickets are valid for one year from the purchase date.
  • Free tickets are valid for 30 days from the award date.
  • TheVault team retains the right to change ticket validity, and subscribers must review this document for any changes.

Important information:

  • The user is responsible for all commissions associated with transferring rewards, and the fees may vary depending on the destination country.
  • Transferring tickets from one account to another is not allowed on this site.
  • This website is exclusively for gaming, and it does not constitute an offer or solicitation to gamble.
  • The winners are announced at the end of each competition, if more than one player is even in the total collected points, the prize value is distributed among the participants who received the highest balance of points.
  • Every participant can register using one email only. In case the same user has multiple accounts; this will constitute a fraud attempt leading to loss of any prizes.
  • Participants get 25 free tickets upon initial registration and 50 free tickets after completing the profile section
  • TheVault management has the right to use the names and photos of users in campaigns, promotional ads, via SMS, and on social media, in any way that the management considers appropriate.
  • TheVault management has the right to change the reward system
  • If any user’s manipulation is detected, the company has the right to revoke the player's rewards. The company also reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings against the user in cooperation with the official responsible entities.

Obligations of registering in TheVault site.
Once registered on TheVault site, you declare and commit to the following:

  • Providing all the required information on the registration form ("registration data").
  • Assuming full responsibility for the accuracy of the information provided. Any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete information may result in actions taken by TheVault site, such as suspension or deletion of the account.
  • Not using the site in any way that infringes the laws of the operating state and the laws of any other country where TheVault services are available.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of account information. You are fully responsible for all activities occurring through the account, and TheVault will not be liable for damages resulting from non-compliance with this clause.
  • Reporting any unauthorized use of your account promptly, whether involving password, nickname, or other uses. It is recommended to use a password that is difficult for others to access.
  • Avoiding any use or infringement of users' names and/or data that is harmful, infringing, or incompatible with morality and public customs – as determined by TheVault. Violation of privacy and usage policies may result in immediate deletion of the account without compensation for the value of the tickets.
  • Accepting liability for compensation towards any entity if the user uses or encroaches on users' names and/or data in a harmful, infringing, or incompatible way with morality and public customs, as determined by TheVault. There shall be no liability for material compensation or compliance on TheVault site.
  • TheVault website has the right to suspend or delete the account of any user who broadcasts, shares, and/or publishes any misinformation that exposes TheVault website to material and/or reputational damage.

User Agreement

  • The "End-User Licensing Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "This Agreement") constitutes the end-user licensing agreement for this product signed by you ("an individual, company, or other enterprise") and Beecell company. Please read carefully all the terms and conditions in this agreement, including but not limited to usage information, legal responsibilities, and limitations of liability. By installing and using TheVault software, you will be considered to have accepted the terms and conditions in this agreement.
  • If you install or use this software in any way, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions in this agreement, you cannot install or use this software. This agreement is the contract between you and TheVault competition regarding the downloading, installing, and use of this software. It stipulates your rights and obligations regarding the use of this software.
Intellectual Property:
  • This software was developed by TheVault competition or licensed by the owners of the software (hereinafter referred to as "licensors"). The intellectual property rights of this software and all information and content relating to it, including but not limited to written descriptions and its collections, icons, images, charts, colors, interface designs, page layouts, associated data, printed materials, and electronic documents are protected under copyright law, international copyright treaties, and other laws and regulations governing intellectual property. All this intellectual property remains the property of TheVault competition company and its licensors.

1. TheVault competition company and its licensor retain all rights not expressly granted in this agreement. If you need to use any other rights not granted here, you must obtain prior written approval from TheVault competition.
2. When using a third-party app on this software, you must sign a separate service agreement with the third party.
3. You may download, install, and run one copy of this software on one smartphone only. The same user cannot log in from another device at the same time.

Usage Restrictions:
You may use this software according to this agreement, in accordance with respect for and compliance with national laws, regulations, and policies. You are not entitled, nor may you engage in any unauthorized conduct, including but not limited to:
1. Deleting any copyright claims, notifications, or any other information and content contained in this software.
2. Reverse engineering, reversing assembly, or any other similar operations on this software.
3. Providing this software to other parties, authorizing other parties to use this software, or using this software for unauthorized purposes (e.g., for commercial purposes).
4. Engaging in any unauthorized conduct relating to other relevant images, texts, and content contained in this software, including but not limited to the following: using, copying, editing, or adding links to, reproducing, publishing content, creating a reverse website, or using this software to develop derivative products, related software, or services without permission.
5. Using this software to store, publish, or disseminate content that violates national laws, regulations, and policies.
6. Using this software to store and publish content that violates other parties' legal rights, such as intellectual property rights and trade secrets.
7. Engaging in behavior that threatens the security of computer networks.
8. Using, copying, editing, renting, or transferring this software or any part thereof outside the terms provided herein.
Version Updates:
TheVault decides whether to provide this software with updates in the future. If TheVault agrees to provide an update, this agreement will remain valid for the updated version unless an alternative software licensing agreement is provided. If the software is designated as an updated version, you must comply with this agreement.
Limits of Liability:
1. You agree to bear all the risks associated with using this software.
2. You acknowledge that this software may be influenced by various security issues, such as the use of your information by other parties to send you spam. Downloaded software may contain Trojan viruses and other viruses that threaten the security of your information and data, and therefore may affect the normal operation of this software. It is advised to enhance your information security and improve your awareness of data protection. Make sure you use password protection to prevent potential losses and avoid spam.
3. This software is provided "as is". TheVault and its licensors make no commitments or guarantees in relation to this software, whether explicit or implicit, including guarantees of marketability, suitability for a particular purpose, and non-violation.
4. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, TheVault and its licensors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, accidental, private or punitive damages or any other damages resulting from or related to the use of this software or the inability to use this software. This includes damages resulting from personal injury or property damage, loss of profits, business interruption, leaking of trade secrets, and damages caused by leaking personal information due to non-exercise of duties including sincerity and reasonable care, damages resulting from negligence, or any damages resulting from financial or other losses. This limitation of liability applies even if TheVault and its licensors are notified in advance of the possibility of such damage. The liability of TheVault and its licensor must not exceed the amount you paid to buy tickets or sign up for tickets for this software. This provision must be effective under any circumstances.
5. Any other software derived from this software without the permission of TheVault and its licensors is illegal. Downloading, installing, and using this type of software can lead to unexpected risks. Extreme caution is advised when downloading, installing, and using such software; as you bear all losses, damages, legal responsibilities, and the consequences of disputes that do not relate to TheVault competition.
6. You bear all damages arising from a violation of laws or this agreement. If this violation results in damage to TheVault, it reserves the right to claim full compensation from you.
7. Termination:
TheVault and its licensors reserve the right to suspend or terminate this agreement at any time. Upon the termination of this agreement, you must stop using this software immediately and delete all software installed and any data associated with its copies.
Other terms and conditions
1. If any of these terms and conditions are wholly or partly invalid or become invalid, the validity of the other provisions will not be affected.
2. The interpretation and validity of this agreement and the resolution of disputes arising therefrom are governed by the laws of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Any disputes arising under this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. If you cannot reach a settlement through these consultations within one month, you grant your full consent to submit the dispute to the Central Court of Amman. All legal costs shall be borne by the party who has not concurred in the dispute.
3. If you have any questions about this software, you can contact TheVault Customer Service email for more information. Thank you for supporting TheVault. To provide a better answer to your questions and protect your rights and interests, please read the following information carefully before proceeding. To improve the stability of TheVault mobile site, TheVault will collect error messages and technical data when using the product.
4. TheVault must get your permission to collect and analyze the following information:
1. Device information: phone operating system, phone language, device model, phone network mode, and phone SIM card
2. Customer information: such as the customer's phone number, download method, user opening/closing time of the display interface, and optional information such as residence location, date of birth, interests, gender, email, etc.
3. Display interface information: such as interface error messages and whether the service is enabled or not. If you do not want the above information to be collected and analyzed by TheVault, please do not continue and exit this app. This software requires internet access during use. The network operator must collect any data fees arising; therefore, please contact the LAN operator for details. If you have any questions, you can contact TheVault customer support for more detailed information. 5.
Subscription Cancellation:
You can cancel your subscriptions to TheVault website in one of the following ways:
• Account Deletion: You can completely delete the account from TheVault website, which will cause the cancellation of all your saved data, cancellation of your tickets, and points collected from the date of registration.
• Cancellation of your subscription to the Monthly subscription service if exists.
Note: Subscription cancellation of the monthly subscription service does not affect the balance of collected points or the balance of tickets.